Round table "Political and Ideological Orientations of Ukrainian Citizens in the Conditions of Russian Aggression"

February 02, 2023

On February 2, 2023, Razumkov Centre held an online Round Table "Political and Ideological Orientations of Ukrainian Citizens in the Conditions of Russian Aggression."

It was held jointly with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Ukraine. As part of the event, a new issue of Razumkov Centre’s National Security & Defence journal was presented, dedicated to the problems of political and ideological changes in Ukrainian citizens after the beginning of large-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine and the possible impact of those changes on political processes after the victory and restoration of political competition. 

Government officials, politicians, scholars, Ukrainian and foreign experts, representatives of civil society organisations took part in the discussion.

The following issues were discussed: 

  • How did Russia's large-scale aggression affect the political values and ideological and political orientations of Ukrainian citizens?
  • What will change in politics in different sectors after the victory? What will the future dividing lines between political forces of different trends look like?
  • How will the representation of different strata of Ukrainian society change in politics after the war, how will it affect the structure of political competition (alignment of political forces) and the nature of political processes?

The round table was held on the basis of the Razumkov Centre Zoom platform.