Yuriy Yakymenko

President, Editor-in-Chief of "National Security and Defence" Journal

Born in 1967 in Cherkasy


National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Faculty of Philosophy (1991)

University of Manchester (the UK), Department of Government, post-graduate course in Political Theory, MA (Econ) (1994)

National Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy, post-graduate course in Social Philosophy (1995). The author of about 200 publications

Ph.D. in Political Science (2013). The author of about 40 research papers and more than 200 publications in media


1991 – 1995 — Expert in Public Relations of the Ukrainian Union of Afghan War Veterans

1995 – 2002 — Senior Consultant, Chief Consultant, Head of Division, Deputy Head of the Main Department of Domestic Policy of the Administration of the President of Ukraine

Most recent position at State Service — Deputy Head of the Department for Analysis and Prognosis of Home Policy of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. State Servant of the 4th rank

April 2002 – May 2005  — Razumkov Centre Leading Expert, Political and Legal Programmes

May 2005 – November 2011 — Director of Political and Legal Programmes

November 2011 – June 2020 — Deputy Director General, Director of Political and Legal Programmes

June 2020 — ongoing — President of the Razumkov Centre

(044) 201-11-92



Pavlo Pynzenyk

Director General

Born: 20 March 1976 in Uzhgorod

Education: Uzhhorod State University, specialty “Jurisprudence”


1998 – 2000 — Teaching Assistant at the Department of Civil Law, Institute of Economics, Management and Business Law, Kyiv

2000 – 2005 — Various Positions in Private Companies

2005 – 2006 — Chief Consultant of the Secretariat of “Our Ukraine” Parliamentary Faction

2006 – 2009 — Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

2009 – 2012 — Head of the Secretariat of “Our Ukraine — People’s Self-Defence” Parliamentary Faction

2012 – 2014 — First Deputy Head of the Secretariat of “Batkivshchyna” Parliamentary Faction

2014 – 2020 — People’s Deputy of Ukraine, First Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Rules of Procedure and Organisation of Work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

(044) 201-11-98


Viktor Zamiatin

Director of Political and Legal Programmes

Born on January 13, 1966


Moscow State University, Faculty of History

Traineeships in France and Israel


Journalist in the "Kommersant" and "Day" newspapers

2007 – 2010 — Senior Consultant, Head of the Department at the Presidential Secretariat of Ukraine

December 2012 – June 2020 —Leading Expert of Political and Legal Programmes at the Razumkov Centre

June 2020 — ongoing Director of Political and Legal Programmes


Honored Journalist of Ukraine

Civil Servant of the Third Rank

Language skills: English, Serbian, Croatian, French and Polish

(044) 201-11-92


Oleksii Rozumnyi

Leading Expert of Political and Legal Programmes

Born in 1992 in Kyiv


2009 – 2014 — Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of History

2014 – 2017 — National Institute for Strategic Studies (Postgraduate Training)

Ph.D. in Political Science (2017)


October 2015 – June 2016 — Tour Guide of the 1st Grade at the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in WWII

November 2017 – March 2018 — Junior Researcher in the Analytical and Information Division of the National Institute for Strategic Studies

April 2018 – June 2020 — Expert of Political and Legal Programmes, Razumkov Centre

June 2020 — ongoing — Leading Expert of Political and Legal Programmes

(044) 201-11-98


Petro Stetsiuk

Research Fellow on Legal Issues

Born in 1962 in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Law (1989)

Candidate of Law (1994), Associate Professor (1996), Doctor of Law (1997), Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine (2007), Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, retired (since 2016)


1989 – 1998 — Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Department of State and Administrative Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

1998 – 2004 — Head of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

1999 – 2003 — Vice-Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

2004 – 2006 — Senior Researcher at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

2006 – 2016 — Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

Since 2006 concurrently Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Rzeszow (Poland), Visiting Professor of Ukrainian Free University in Munich (Germany)

Since December 2019 — Legal Research Fellow at the Razumkov Centre

(044) 206-85-05


Anatoliy Zayets

Legal Research Fellow

Born in 1954 in Khmelnytskiy oblast

Education:  Kharkiv Institute of Law (currently Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University) (1981)

PH.D. in Law (1985), Doctor of Law (1999), Professor (2002), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Ukraine (2003)  


1983-1990 -  Postgraduate Student, Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1990-2001 – Chief Scientific Advisor to the Scientific and Expert Section, First Deputy Head of the Scientific and Expert Directorate of the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

2001-2002 – First Deputy of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

2002-2006 - State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

2006-2011- First Deputy Head of the State Agency of Ukraine for Investment and Development

2011-2012- Chief Research Fellow of F. Burchak Scientific and Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship at the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine

2015-2017- Advisor to the Rector of the KROK University of Economics and Law  

2017-2019 – Professor of the Department of General Theoretical and Law Disciplines of the of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

2019-ongoing- Head of the Department of General Theory of Law and Public Law of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

2019 - ongoing – Chairman of the Working Group on the Development of Proposals for Amending the Constitution of Ukraine at the Commission on Legal Reform under the President of Ukraine  

(044) 201-11-98

Volodymyr Sushchenko

Legal Research Fellow

Sushchenko Volodymyr Mykolayovych (14 May 1945, Novoaltaysk, the Russian Federation) – not on the staff legal advisor of the Razumkov Centre, Head of the Board of the Non-Governmental Organization “Expert Center on Human Rights “, Candidate of Law, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine.  


1968-1972:  Kharkiv Institute of Law (currently Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University)

 Work Experience:

1972-1977: service in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic;

1977-1996: assistant, senior researcher, vice-rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv);

1997-2004: dean, head of Departrments, professor of the Department of Law Disciplines of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv);

 2004 - 2005: vice-rector of the National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s  Office (Kyiv);

2006–2011: professor, head of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Law Faculty of Petro Mohyla National Chornomorskiy University (Mykolayiv);

2011-2015: associate professor of the Department of Law Disciplines of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv);

since 2017 – Head of the board of the non-governmental organization “Expert Center on Human Rights”

, not on the staff advisor on legal issues of the Razumkov Centre2014-2019 – not on the staff expert of the International  Renaissance Foundation;   

Scientific Work:  

1985: Candidate of Law thesis, title «Criminal Process; Judicial Organization; Prosecutor`s Supervision; Criminalistics» (specialty 2.00.09);

scientific internship at the Central European University in Budapest (1997), Law Schools of the University of Baltimore and the University of Minnesota (1999), Universities of the East and North London, Law College of England and Wales (2001), Law Schools of the Universities of Spain (2002);

professor of the Advocacy Academy of Ukraine, Law Faculty of National Zaporizhzhya University, Law Faculty of the National University of Ostroh Academy;

more than 70 scientific and 50 research papers, including: «Problems of Reforming the Law Education in Ukraine in the context of Bologna Process»(2005), «Judicial Reform on Ukraine: Situation, Problems, Prospects» (2008), «Professional Responsibility of Lawyers: Tutorial» (2008),  «Model of Professional Code of Lawyers: Standards and Approaches»  (2009), «Reforming of the Judicial Power: Comprehensive Approach» (2015), «Human Rights Behind Closed Doors: Report Based on the Research «Legal Safeguards of the Detained» (2015), «Legal Awareness of Lawyers in the Context of Rule of Law Doctrine» (2013).

Lawmaking, Civic and other Professional Activities:

1998-2007: Member of the Working Groups on development draft laws and codes of Ukraine: on credit societies; banks and banking; administrative offences and wrongdoings; criminal offences, on Prosecutor`s office, administrative procedural and judicial codes; criminal judicial code;

Member of editorial board of the Scientific Notes (Law Disciplines) of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy; journals «Ukrainian Law» and «Elections and Democracy» (1998-2017), «Prosecutor and investigative practices» (chief editor, 2004-2005);

Member: Scientific-Consultative Council under the High Court of Ukraine; Scientific-Methodical Council under the Prosecutor`s Office of Kyiv, Board of the Ukrainian Council of Law Education and Science; Scientific-Methodical Commission on Law Disciplines of the Ministry of Education and Science, Governing Board of the World Congress of Ukrainian Lawyer, Board of the Non-Governmental Charity Organization «Center of the Commercial Law» (2002-2005);

 2011–2017: Executive Director of the Center for Rule of Law Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy;

2015- 2016: representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in Contest Committee on the applicants selection to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine;

2015-2017: member of the Specialized Scientific Council on candidate thesis defense (specialty 12.00.01; 12.00.12 – The Theory of State and Law; The History of State and Law; International Public Law) at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy;

2014-2019 – not on the staff expert of the International  Renaissance Foundation;  

-   2019: head of the Contest Committee under the President of Ukraine on the applicants    selection to the Higher Council of Justice.

 Awards, Honours and Honorary Titles: 

Order of Merit (3rd class) (2015);

Medal «ХХ Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945» (1965);

Medal «Veteran of Labour» (1991);

 Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine (2002);

Laureate of the Ukrainian Contest of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine «The Lawyer of the Year» (Category «The Lawyer – Organizer of Law Education and Science») (2001);

Certificate of Honour of Kyiv Mayor «For Personal Contribution into the Development of Kyiv`s Science and Education (2004);

Award pins: «For Distinction and Professional Dignity» of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine (2015 рік), Union of Lawyers of Ukraine (2010), «Petro Mohyla. For the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine» of the Ministry of Education and Science (2007), «For the Contribution of Development of the Rule of Law State» of the Ministry of Justice (2006), of the General Prosecutor Office (2005).  

(044) 201-11-98

Oleksiy Melnyk

Co-Director, Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes, Coordinator of International Projects

Born in 1962 in Khmelnytsty Rgn


Royal College of Defence Studies, London, UK (2007)

Air Field Operations Officer School, Biloxy, MS, US (2001)

Squadron Officer School, Montgomery, AL, US (1994)

Defence Language Institute, San Antonio, TX, US (1994)

Chernihiv Higher Military Air Force Academy, Ukraine (1984)


1980 – 2001 — Air Force Active Service (Cadet, Instructor Pilot, Flight Commander, Squadron Commander, Deputy Air Force Base Commander, Participant of two UN peacekeeping operations, Lt.Colonel (Ret)

2001 – 2004 — Razumkov Centre

2004 – 2005 — State Company Ukroboronservice

2005 – 2008 — Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Head Organisational and Analytical Division — First Assistant to Minister of Defence

(044) 201-11-95



Mykhailo Pashkov

Co-Director, Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes

Born in 1958 in Roslavl, Smolensk oblast, Russia


Smolensk Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of the Russian Language and Literature (1979)

Moscow Institute of Youth, Faculty of Journalism (1986)

Kyiv Institute of Political Science and Public Administration (1991)

Ph. D. in Philosophy; the author of more than 50 publications

1979 – 1989 — worked at different positions in district, regional and republican newspapers in Russia and Moldova

1991 – 1994 — worked in scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1994 – 1998 — Diplomatic Service at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation

Since December 1999 — Razumkov Centre's Leading Expert

Diplomatic Rank: First Secretary. Most recent position in state structures — Chief Consultant, Analytical Service of Ukraine's NSDC Staff

(044) 206-85-08


James Greene

Visiting Senior Fellow

James Greene

(044) 201-11-98

James Sherr

Visiting Senior Fellow

2010–date: Senior Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House

2008–2010: Head, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House

1995–2008: Fellow, Advanced Research & Assessment Group, UK Defence Academy

1986–2008: Lecturer in International Relations, Lincoln College Oxford

+44 207 314 3627

Julia Friedrich

Visiting Fellow

Since 2019: Research Associate at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) Berlin

2019: Carlo Schmid Fellow, United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security, Brussels

2018: Intern, Chatham House Russia and Eurasia Program


MSc International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (2018)

MA International Security, SciencesPo Paris (2018)

Exchange year: Moscow State School of International Relations (2016)

BA Political Sciences, SciencesPo Paris (2016)

Email: jfriedrich@gppi.net

Oleksander Shnyrkov

Visiting Senior Fellow for EU Cooperation

Education: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of International Relations and International Law (1978)

Ph.D.in Economics (1982), Doctor of Economic Science (1996)

The author of about 200 publications


1981-1987 – Assistant Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)   

1987-1996 – Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)  

1988-1996- Director of School of International Business and Management, Center “BIZNEX”, Kyiv (Ukraine) 

1992-1994- Chief Expert, Ministry for Foreign Relations of Ukraine

1996-2012- Deputy Director for Scientific Work and International Relations of Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) 

1998-2008 Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)       

2007 – Professor of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine) 

2008-2015 – Professor of Banking University of the National Bank of Ukraine

2008-ongoing – Head of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)

Participant of INTAS Project “Infrastructure Policy of Stable Growth in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine” (1997-1998), TACIS EUROPEAid Project “Legal Training in Kyiv, Ukraine and Selected Regions” (2002-2005), TEMPUS projects (“Training Specialists in European Studies” (1998-2001); “Establishment of a National Innovation Education Center ‘INCOS’” (1999-2001); Study of International Finance in Ukrainian Universities (2001-2004); “European Law in Ukrainian Universities” (2001-2004), “Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization” (2009-2012), Jean Monnet Chair Project “University Courses in European Economic Integration” (2013-2016) Jean Monnet Center of Excellence Project “Advancing European Studies in Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Approach” (2019-2022)

(044) 201-11-98

Volodymyr Holovko

Visiting Foreign Policy Expert 

Born in 1975 in Dnipro

Education: Dnipropetrovsk National University (currently Dnipro National University), Faculty of History (1997)

PH.D. in History (2000)

Master Level Classes at Charles University, Faculty of Social Studies (Praque, Czech Republic) (2008)

Senior Executive MBA, Business School of International Management Institute, Kyiv (2012)


1998–2002 —Researcher, National Institute for Strategic Studies (Dnipro Branch)

2000 — ongoing – Co-Director of the Center for Political Analyses (Kyiv)

2002 — ongoing – Senior Researcher of the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Science of Ukraine) (Kyiv)

2013–2018 —Executive Director of Co-op Media Holding (Kyiv)

(044) 201-11-98

Mykola Sunhurovskyi

Director, Military Programmes

Born in 1951 in Moscow.


Orenburg Higher Military Air Defence Forces School (1972);

Kyiv Air Defence Forces Academy (1982);

Higher School of Entrepreneurship, Kyiv Institute of National Economy (1991).

Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, the author of more than 90 publications.

Colonel (Ret.) with 31 years of military service, half of that term — at research institutions. Research profile — systems analysis, strategic planning, analysis methods, national security.


Most recent position in state bodies — Department Chief at the Analytical Service of Ukraine's NSDC Staff;

Since December 1999 — Razumkov Centre Programme Co-ordinator;

Since February 2000 — Freelance Consultant to the National Security and Defence Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

(044) 201-11-98


Leonid Polyakov

Visiting Senior Fellow

Born in 1960 in Bezhetsk, Tver region, RF


  • Kyiv Radio-Electronics Technical College, 1979
  • Kyiv Higher Combined-Armed Command Military College, 1983
  • Frunze Military Academy, Russia, 1993
  • US Army War College, 1995
  • Harvard University (Fellowship, 2008-2009)

Professional background:

  • Officer command, staff and research postings, Soviet and Ukrainian Armed Forces (Kaliningradskaya obl., Afghanistan, Russian Far East, Ukraine, (1983–1997)
  • Senior Expert, National Security and Defence Council Staff, (1997–1999)
  • Director, Military Programs, Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies (Razumkov Center, 1999–2005)
  • First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine (2005–2008)
  • Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine (2014)
  • External Consultant, Parliamentary National Security and Defence Committee (2000–2005; 2008–2014)
  • Chairman of the Expert Board, Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies (2009–2017…)


Mykhaylo Honchar

Visting Research Fellow for Energy Studies

Born in 1963 in Ukraine


Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (1986) (currently National Aviation University)

Catholic University of Leuven, Training Course for Civil Servants, European Commission Programme (1997)


1994–1996 — Researcher at the National Institute for Strategic Studies, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

1997–2002 — Visiting Advisor, National Institute for International Security Problems,  National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

1996–2000 — Advisor to the Secretary of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

2001–2006 — Advisor, Head of the Strategy Department, Head of Apparatus of Special Commissioner of Ukraine on Euro-Asian Oil Transport Corridor, Deputy Executive Director of JSC “Ukrtransnafta”

Since 2006 - Director of Energy Programmes at “NOMOS” Centre, Member of the Editorial Board of “Black Sea Security” Journal

2008 – ongoing  — President of the Centre for Global Studies «Strategy ХХІ» (Kyiv)

(044) 201-11-98

Vasyl Yurchyshyn

Director, Economic Programmes

Born in 1955 in Kamyanets-Podilskyi.


T. Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Department of Cybernetics (1977).

Institute of Public Administration and Local Government at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1994).

Professor in Public Administration. Author of nearly 100 scientific works.


In 1977–1993, worked at the Kyiv University as an engineer, research fellow and senior research fellow;

1994–1999 — head economic researcher at the International Centre for Policy Studies, Fund for Banking and Finance Development;

1999–2004 — Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Policy of the Ukrainian (currently, National) Academy of Public Administration, office of the President of Ukraine;

1999–2004 — Research Director at the Agency of Humanitarian Technologies, later — Agency for Social Analysis;

2002–2003 — advisor to the Minister of Economy of Ukraine;

since April, 2004 — Professor, Department of Economic Policy of the National Academy of Public Administration, office of the President of Ukraine;

since June, 2005 — Economic Programmes Director at Razumkov Centre.

(044) 201-11-90


Olga Pyshchulina

Leading Expert, Social and Gender Programmes

Born in 1966 in Kharkiv


School of Economics at the Kharkiv State (National) University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) (1989)

Summer Course on Human Rights, School of Human Rights Research, Faculty of Law, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2001)

PhD in sociology (Candidate of Social Science) (1997), Honorable Economics of Ukraine (2012). I am an author more than 90 publishing and a Civil Servant of 3rd rank

Research Interests:

Structural deformation of the economic and social policy; Main problems with the national models of social policy implementation; The issue of income polarization; Ineffectiveness of state transfer policy; Failure of pension reform in Ukraine; Social protection programmers in Ukraine; Regulations of labour market; Gender issues

Experience as a civil servant in the Government’s employ:

Civil Servant of 3d rank. Total experience 12 years. The Head of Social Policy Department (since 2010), Principal Consultant of the Civil Society and Social Relationships Department (since 2003) National Institute for Strategic Studies

Experience as a Research Fellow:

Senior Researcher (1995–2001) , Researcher (1989–1995) School of Sociology, Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of Sociology (1997–2003)

Teaching Experience:

Associate Professor, School of Sociology, Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of Sociology (1997–2003)

(044) 201-11-98


Zakhariy Varnalii

Visiting Research Fellow in Economics

Born in 1955 in Odesa oblast

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Faculty of Economics (1977)

Ph.D. in Economics (1991)

Doctor of Economic Science (1999) 


1980-1981- Assistant at the Department of Political Economy, Kamyanets-Podilskiy Agricultural Institute

1981-1988 - Work for the Political Party

1988-1992 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Economy, Kyiv Institute of Political Science and Social Management

1992-1994 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Innovative Management and Investment, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1994-1996 - Chief Advisor to the Presidential Administration of Ukraine

1996-1999 -   Assistant Professor at the Department of Economic Theory, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1999-2000 – Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

2000-2003- Head of Section, Head of the Department of Economic Security, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine        

2003-2007 – Deputy Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies

2007-2012 - Head of the Scientific Research Centre, National University of the State Fiscal Service  

2012- ongoing – Professor, Department of Finance,  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

(044) 201-11-98

Andriy Bychenko

Director, Sociological Service

Born in 1973 in Kyiv

Education: Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Electroacoustics (1995)


1995 – 1999 — worked for the Marketing Research Agency; Media-bureau of the "Consulting Ukraine" Joint-stock Company (Leading Specialist), the "Prime" Advertising and Marketing Company (Director of the Consulting Centre), the Production and Commercial Firm "Industrial Distribution Systems" (analyst)

Took part in joint projects involving the Institute of Youth Problems and the "Social Monitoring" Centre. Conducted surveys for the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs, USAID, TACIS, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Motorola, etc.

Since January 2000 — Director, Razumkov Centre Sociological Service

(044) 201-11-94


Mykhailo Mischenko

Deputy Director, Sociological Service

Born in 1962 in Kyiv

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Faculty of Philosophy (1984). Ph. D in Philosophy


1984 – 1990 — Sociology Department at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1990 – 1998 — Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1998 – 2003 — Ukrainian Institute of Social Research

February – September 2003 — Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

Since October 2003 — Deputy Director, Razumkov Centre Sociological Service

(044) 201-11-94


Danylo Dobrovolskyi

Sociology Field Coordinator

Born in 1971 in Dniprodzerzhynsk (Dnipropetrovsk region)


Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Institute of Sociology, psychology and management. Bachelor of Sociology (with honours, 2008), Master of Sociology (with honours, 2009)


In 1995 – 2001 Danylo worked at the Agency of Marketing Research, Social Monitoring centre, Bureau of marketing technologies, Ukrainian Institute of Social Research of Youth and Family, Computer Surveys of Ukraine, Ltd., as the interviewer, validator, coordinator of regional surveys

Since January 2000 — Razumkov Centre's Sociological Service associate

(044) 201-11-96


Volodymyr Omelchenko

Director, Energy Programmes

Born in 1967 in Kyiv

Education: Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Department of Chemical Engineering (1992)

Author of over 50 scientific works and op-ed publications. Took part in development and implementation of international energy projects and scientific research in international energy policy


1992 – 1996 — worked in different positions in the mechanical engineering industry

1997 – 1998 — Head Expert of the Division of Oil, Gas and Petroleum Refining Industry of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

1998 – 2003 — Naftohaz Ukrayiny National Joint-Stock Company, in Charge of Oil Transportation Section

2004 – 2007 — Chief Consultant at the National Institute of International Security Problems of Ukraine’s NSDC

since February, 2007 — Leading Expert, Razumkov Centre. Director of Energy Programmes since 2013

(044) 206-85-02



Maksym Bielawski

Leading Expert, Energy Programmes

Born in 1986 in Zhytomyr oblast


Zhytomyr State Technological University (2008)

Ph.D in Technical Science (2010)

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (2012)

Author of 17 patents and 100 scientific works

Work Experience:

2008 – 2011 — Operator of Gas Infrastructure Units, Controller of Gas Transmission System in Rivne Division of PJSC "Ukrtransgas"

2011 – 2017 — Leading Engineer, Deputy Head of Press-Service, Head of Public Relation Department of PJSC "Ukrtransgas"

2017 – 2018 — HR Director of PJSC "Maine Gas Pipelines of Ukraine", Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine

2021 — Director of Integrated Communications of NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine"


Svitlana Chekunova

Leading Expert, Energy Programmes 

She focuses her research on international energy markets, energy security, global energy strategies and implications, energy efficiency, renewables, and environmental issues.

Professional Activity
Before joining Razumkov Centre, Ms. Chekunova was employed by Ukrainian state oil pipeline company (2001-2018), where she has held various positions in the departments of international project management, corporate governance, and strategic development. Among professional functions were: coordinating business dealings with global companies on essential projects such as commercializing the Odesa-Brody pipeline and starting operations of the Pivdenny marine oil terminal; liaising with foreign embassies, international financial institutions, and Ukrainian government authorities.

From 1996 to 2001 she worked at the Representative Office of Howard Energy International, LLC, an American company, as natural gas operations manager, where she was managing the gas sales operations and administering international contracts.

She had experience in the field of environmental protection (nuclear decontamination and water purification projects) at State ecological Centre at State University for Construction and Architecture in cooperation with the City University of New York.
In 1987–1996 she was a lecturer (English and German instruction applied to professional, business and technical requirements) at Kyiv State University of Construction and Architecture, volunteered to translate at various events of Communications and Youth Ministries.

Training Courses
Business and technical training (1996 through 2000) in New York, Groningen (the Netherlands) and Turkey (Howard Energy Offices in Ankara and Istanbul).

Master’s degree in International Business Management (2000) with a specialty in international economics from Kyiv National University for Economy, Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, Kyiv National University (1987) with a concentration in English and German.


Inna Vashchenko

Fundraising and Communication Manager

(044) 201-11-98


Gennadii Riabtsev

Visiting Research Fellow for Energy Studies

He was born in 1971 in Kyiv.

Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (1994) and the National Academy of Public Administration, Office the President of Ukraine (2006), Candidate of Technical Sciences (1997), Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration (2014), Professor (2015), Civil Servant of 6th rank.

Professor of the Andriy Meleshevych Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"; Professor of the Academic Department of Social Sciences of the European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania); Chief Researcher of the Department of Critical Infrastructure, Energy and Environmental Security of the Center for Security Studies of the National Institute for Strategic Studies; Director of Special Projects of the Scientific and Technical Center "Psycheya", Expert of the Committee on the Development of Economic Competition of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, International Expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

He is a specialist in policy analysis and strategic planning. His works are done at the intersection of public administration, economy, and energy. Theoretical and practical research is focused on evidence-based policy-making, ensuring energy security, researching energy markets.

Author and co-author of eight monographs, five textbooks, 11 manuals and reference books, 43 patents of Ukraine, more than 3,500 publications in professional publications and mass media.


Oleksandra Kolomiiets

Visiting Research Fellow in Social Issues


National Institute for Strategic Studies  - 2007 – 2012

PhD in Economics 

National Technical Institute of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” - 1998 – 2003

Master of Public Administration

Faculty of Sociology


Centre for Economic Strategy  -  Kyiv, Ukraine

Senior Economist - 2021 – 2022

National Institute for Strategic Studies -   Kyiv, Ukraine

Head of Social Strategy Department  - 2018 – 2021

Leading Researcher  -   2016 – 2018

Chief Consultant  -   2015 – 2016

Head of Demographic and Labour Security Sector  -  2014 – 2015

Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine                                                                                       Kyiv, Ukraine

Postdoctoral Research Fellow  -  2014

Junior Researcher - 2013 – 2014 

National Institute for Strategic Studies  - Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD student, Junior Researcher   -  2007 – 2012                                                                                     

Leading Specialist   -  2006 – 2007