On September 27, 2022, the Ukraine Crisis Media Center hosted an expert discussion "Attack on Ukrainian heat and power plants: how to secure the country's energy system before winter?".
Razumkov Centre’s Energy and Infrastructure Programmes Director Volodymyr Omelchenko took part in the discussion. Speaking there, he outlined the main risks of the 2022–2023 heating season in Ukraine and presented an analysis of the energy balance with account of the military aggression against Ukraine.
Mr. Omelchenko also offered recommendations for private households, regional and central executive authorities, how to minimise the consequences in case of a pessimistic scenario for the functioning of Ukraine’s United Energy System and heat supply facilities.
An expert on the energy market, director of special projects of the Science and Technology Center "Psychea" G. Riabtsev and an international expert in legal protection of the environment, a member of the board and a senior policy expert of the "Society and Environment" Resource & Analysis Center A. Andrusevych also took part in the discussion.
After the expert discussion, the panellists answered numerous questions from mass media representatives.