Geopolitical challenges and geoeconomic shifts

Yuriy Yakymenko, Razumkov Center President

Vasyl Yurchyshyn, Razumkov Centre Economic and Social Programmes Director

The current year of 2024 will surely go down in human history as a year of rapid changes in the global political and economic order. Of course, this process of changes has been going on for several years, but until recently, it mainly tested the key world actors for readiness for fundamental shifts. From the early 2020s, it became clear that the world is moving away from the rules-based multilateral order, returning to the practice of power politics, giving rise to risks and challenges that had no global precedents after World War II. 

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Yuriy Yakymenko

President, Editor-in-Chief of "National Security and Defence" Journal

Born in 1967 in Cherkasy


National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Faculty of Philosophy (1991)

University of Manchester (the UK), Department of Government, post-graduate course in Political Theory, MA (Econ) (1994)

National Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy, post-graduate course in Social Philosophy (1995). The author of about 200 publications

Ph.D. in Political Science (2013). The author of about 40 research papers and more than 200 publications in media


1991 – 1995 — Expert in Public Relations of the Ukrainian Union of Afghan War Veterans

1995 – 2002 — Senior Consultant, Chief Consultant, Head of Division, Deputy Head of the Main Department of Domestic Policy of the Administration of the President of Ukraine

Most recent position at State Service — Deputy Head of the Department for Analysis and Prognosis of Home Policy of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. State Servant of the 4th rank

April 2002 – May 2005  — Razumkov Centre Leading Expert, Political and Legal Programmes

May 2005 – November 2011 — Director of Political and Legal Programmes

November 2011 – June 2020 — Deputy Director General, Director of Political and Legal Programmes

June 2020 — ongoing — President of the Razumkov Centre

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