Building the basis for recovery

September 05, 2022

Almost everybody agrees that the country’s recovery should begin now, not waiting till the end of hostilities, no matter how difficult and controversial the task may seem. There is also common understanding that, firstly, the country needs fundamental ideological and practical renewal of the socio-economic environment, secondly, the features and traits of the new country should fully comply with the tasks of European integration enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine.

However, the vast majority of official documents, including the Government Plan of Ukraine’s Recovery, do not deal with ideological, political and institutional foundations of the country's renewal (what country we want to rebuild, and the vision of such renewed country), but contain a long list of particular facilities (infrastructural, production, logistic, humanitarian, etc., each of which requires huge funding), the emergence of which will allegedly lead to the desired result — creation of a new European country. However, despite real readiness to help Ukraine, no international investor has been inspired by the declared enormous funding and demonstrated real business activity.

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Vasyl Yurchyshyn

Director, Economic Programmes

Born in 1955 in Kamyanets-Podilskyi.


T. Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Department of Cybernetics (1977).

Institute of Public Administration and Local Government at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1994).

Professor in Public Administration. Author of nearly 100 scientific works.


In 1977–1993, worked at the Kyiv University as an engineer, research fellow and senior research fellow;

1994–1999 — head economic researcher at the International Centre for Policy Studies, Fund for Banking and Finance Development;

1999–2004 — Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Policy of the Ukrainian (currently, National) Academy of Public Administration, office of the President of Ukraine;

1999–2004 — Research Director at the Agency of Humanitarian Technologies, later — Agency for Social Analysis;

2002–2003 — advisor to the Minister of Economy of Ukraine;

since April, 2004 — Professor, Department of Economic Policy of the National Academy of Public Administration, office of the President of Ukraine;

since June, 2005 — Economic Programmes Director at Razumkov Centre.

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