Round table on Ukrainian-Hungarian relations

June 22, 2024

On June 20, 2024, the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine hosted a round table "Ukraine — Hungary: current state and prospects of interstate relations". Razumkov Centre also contributed to the organization of this event. The round table gathered representatives of the authorities, Ukrainian central and regional scientific and academic institutions, think-tanks, international scholars and experts.

Introductory speeches to the audience were made by the Director of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NASU O. Rafalskyi, Razumkov Centre President Yu. Yakymenko, Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Ethno-Politics and Freedom of Conscience V. Yelenskyi.

The round-table discussion was devoted to ethno-political aspects of Ukrainian-Hungarian interstate relations, economic and military-technical cooperation between Kyiv and Budapest, as well as the role of the Ukrainian-Hungarian relations in the security on the European continent.

Razumkov Centre was represented at the round table by the energy programmes director V. Omelchenko, co-director of foreign policy and international security programmes M. Pashkov, leading expert of social and gender programmes O. Pyschulina.