Some EU countries are boycotting Hungary. The European Union will have to make a decision


Earlier in July, six countries — Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Finland — announced that they would not send their ministers to meetings organized by Hungary as part of its EU Council presidency. That is, these countries will be represented at ministerial meetings, but at the level of civil servants, not ministers. They made such a decision after the visits of Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, to China and Russia. A bit later, Denmark joined this boycott of EU Council meetings during Hungary's presidency, also in protest against Orbán's so-called peace initiatives. Mykhailo Pashkov, co-director of foreign policy and international security programmes at Razumkov Centre, spoke about this live on the FREEDOM TV channel.

Mykhailo Pashkov

Co-Director, Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes

Born in 1958 in Roslavl, Smolensk oblast, Russia


Smolensk Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of the Russian Language and Literature (1979)

Moscow Institute of Youth, Faculty of Journalism (1986)

Kyiv Institute of Political Science and Public Administration (1991)

Ph. D. in Philosophy; the author of more than 50 publications

1979 – 1989 — worked at different positions in district, regional and republican newspapers in Russia and Moldova

1991 – 1994 — worked in scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1994 – 1998 — Diplomatic Service at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation

Since December 1999 — Razumkov Centre's Leading Expert

Diplomatic Rank: First Secretary. Most recent position in state structures — Chief Consultant, Analytical Service of Ukraine's NSDC Staff

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