Leading expert of social and gender programs Olga Pishchulina as a member of the Ukrainian delegation took part in the visit to Italy. А high-level Ukrainian delegation has visited in Italy for a week-long visit hosted by the European Training Foundation (ETF). This initiative, spanning from Turin to Rome (3-7 March), brings together key Ukrainian government representatives and international stakeholders to exchange knowledge and shape employment policies for Ukrainian youth. The delegation included representatives from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Social Policy, Public Employment Services, Federations of Employers and Trade Unions, and various NGOs.
International partners present include EU Member States (Finland, Italy, Poland), the European Commission (DG EMPL and DG ENEST), the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF, and the EU4Youth programme. Their discussions will contribute to Ukraine’s preparations for the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Rome in July 2025.
The visit lays the foundation for the implementation of the EU’s Youth Guarantee (YG), a flagship initiative ensuring young people under 30 receive quality job opportunities and education prospects as Ukraine advances on its EU accession path.