Ukrainian diplomacy in Latin America

April 12, 2024

On April 11, 2024, the co-director of foreign policy and international security programmes of Razumkov Centre M. Pashkov took part in an open discussion organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the key approaches and recommendations for Ukraine's strategic communications in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. The event was attended by employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, public figures, independent experts, journalists, and representatives of public organizations of the Latin American region.

During the discussion, the mechanisms, means and specific features of the policy of communication with Latin America were outlined, with an emphasis on the problems and difficulties of promoting Ukrainian narratives in the countries of the region. The participants of the event focused on opposing Russian fakes, disseminating true information about the war in Ukraine, promoting national interests and developing bilateral cooperation. In his speech, the Razumkov Centre representative made emphasis on the issue of staffing Ukraine's policy in this region, coordination of the activities of different authorities and the balance of the country's foreign policy as a whole and in Latin America.