On 18 December 2018 the Razumkov Centre together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine held the roundtable "Ukraine on the eve of the elections: popular demand, key challenges and possible outcomes".
The discussion brought together members of parliament, academics, official and independent researchers and experts, as well as representatives of foreign embassies and international organisations.
The Razumkov Centre presented analytical materials describing the Ukrainians’ views of current situation, their perceptions of completed and planned reforms, their attitudes towards the leading political forces and individual political leaders, as well as citizens’ political preferences and positions of key candidates. Also, the experts shared forecasts of possible post-election scenarios and results of 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections.
The roundtable participants discussed the main peculiarities and conditions of electoral processes of 2019 and identified key challenges and threats. Experts also discussed how adequately potential presidential candidates and political forces address popular demands in terms of policies in various spheres. One of the main debates focused on the issues of possible heredity and sustainability in the policy of reforms under various outcomes of elections.
The electronic version of the National Security and Defence with findings of the Razumkov Centre study is available for download.