On 1 February, 2022 Razumkov Centre together with the Representation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine and with the support of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations held an online meeting of the permanent Round Table “Religion and Authority in Ukraine: Problems of Relationship”.
The topic of discussion was: “Specifics of Religious and Church Self-Determination of Citizens of Ukraine and their Attitude toward the Church”. The following issues were discussed within its framework:
- Church-religious situation in Ukraine: condition, tendencies, problems.
- Ukrainian citizens about the Church: attitude, requests and expectations.
- Prospects for the church-religious situation in Ukraine in the current external and internal challenges.
Before the meeting, the Razumkov Centre prepared information materials “Specifics of Religious and Church Self-determination of Citizens of Ukraine: Trends 2000–2021”.
The video of the Round Table meeting is available on the YouTube platform and on the Razumkov Centre website.