On September 22, 2022, the Razumkov Centre energy and infrastructure programmes director took part in the public discussion "New dimensions of regional security. Approaches and recommendations for analysis", panel "Russian war against Ukraine: prospective scenarios of development and resolution of the conflict in the information, energy and migration domains", organised by the Ukrainian Institute for International Politics (Kyiv, Ukraine).
The speakers included people's deputies of Ukraine, Ukrainian, Moldovan, Georgian diplomats and experts in international relations and energy.
In his report V. Omelchenko, in particular, noted the importance of synchronisation of the Ukrainian energy system with the EU (ENTSO-E) for regional energy security. This project is mutually beneficial for Ukraine and electricity importing countries, as it largely solves the financial problems of Ukrainian energy companies, on the one hand, and mitigates the shortage of energy resources in the EU caused by the Russian blackmail, on the other hand.