On May 29–30, 2017 Berlin hosted a Global Think Tanks Summit, which was held in the format of preparation to this year’s G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. More than 900 representatives of the analytical community from all over the world attended Think 20 summit. Ukraine was represented by Scientific Adviser for Economic Affairs of the Razumkov Centre Volodymyr Sidenko.
The event was held with the support of the German government, as evidenced by the presence and remarks of German top-level officials, such as P. Altmaier (German Chancellery Chief of Staff and Federal Minister for Special Affairs), heads of a number of federal departments and L.-H. Roller (Chief Economic Advisor to the German Chancellor).
Think 20 summit was attended by leaders of almost all the major think tanks in the world, a number of world-renowned scientists, including four Nobel Prize laureates in economics (J. Stiglitz, J. Akerlof, M. Spence, E. Phelps), former chief economist of the World Bank and EBRD and now professor at London School of Economics N. Stern, former head of the World Trade Organization P. Lamy, professor at Columbia University in the USA and special advisor to the UN Secretary General J. Sachs. The summit was addressed by the heads or leading analysts of world corporations.
It should be noted the high level of representation at the summit of leading international organizations: G. Oettinger (EU Commissioner for budget and human resources), Wu Hongbo (Deputy secretary General of the UN for Social and Economic Affairs), Lee Jong (Director General of the UN Industrial development Organization, UNIDO), G. Ramos (Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General and Head of Staff of the OECD), R. Melendez-Ortiz (Head of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development), M. Mohieldin (Senior Vice-President of the World Bank for Agenda 2030, the UN and partnership) and others.
Following the results of the discussion at the Think 20 summit it was adopted a final document entitled “Global Solutions — 20 proposals for the G20 summit”, which based on the need to develop a new vision of the world, it was defined the priority directions of future global development.