International round table "Ukraine: from war to peace and recovery"

September 14, 2023


On September 14, at 10:30 a.m., Razumkov Centre held an international round table "Ukraine: from war to peace and recovery".

During the event a new edition of the National Security & Defence journal was presented planned to give a broad picture of more than 570 days of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Razumkov Centre’s policy paper "Ukraine: a year at war" which is in this issue of the journal contains a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the country in various domains, the trends in its development, as well as recommendations for the government and international partners of Ukraine, based on the results of a number of studies.

The path to victory, peace and restoration of the country looks difficult. But all the more important is the experience of the stages already passed, the analysis of achievements and mistakes, identification of the trends and freedom from stereotypes and illusions, outline of the ways and prospects of the country's post-war recovery and development.

These tasks were in the focus of the project "Russian-Ukrainian conflict: from full-scale war to conflict settlement and post-war reconstruction", which was implemented by Razumkov Centre within the frameworks of the MATRA Programme supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine.  The opinions expressed are those of the authors only and should not be considered as representative of the Embassy’s official position.