Razumkov Centre, supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation Office Ukraine, is implementing the project "Civic Education for Veterans as Active Participants of Socio-Political Processes in Ukraine".
The project aims to put this subject in the public discourse and initiate its public discussion by all stakeholders — representatives of the state authorities, local governments, veteran associations, NGOs, international projects engaged in civic education in Ukraine. Such a discussion is designed to initiate the search for effective mechanisms of veterans' integration in peaceful life, and to contribute to strengthening democratic stability in Ukraine.
To this end, Razumkov Centre will hold a Round Table on the above topic. The event will take place on December 11, 2024, at 1:30–3:30 p.m. at the “UKRINFORM” National Information Agency (Kyiv, B. Khmelnytskoho St., 8/16).
Issues for discussion:
- relevance of civic education of veterans;
- problems of integrating veterans in peaceful life and politics in Ukraine;
- demand for civic education among veterans;
- mechanisms of civic education of veterans and their contribution to patriotic education of the population.
The event is to be attended by representatives of the state authorities, local governments, and public organizations that deal with veterans' integration in civilian life. It will be held in a mixed (offline-online) mode, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88162494634, conference ID: 88162494634
The policy paper is available on Razumkov Centre's website.