ANNOUNCEMENT. Press conference "Citizens' support for Ukraine's accession to EU, NATO. Attitudes towards foreign countries. Prospects for peace negotiations"

October 24, 2024


On Thursday, October 24, at 13:00, the press center of the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency will host a press conference entitled "Citizens' support for Ukraine's accession to EU, NATO. Attitudes towards foreign countries. Prospects for peace negotiations." 

The press-conference will present the results of the public opinion poll conducted by Razumkov Centre from September 20 to 26, 2024 as a part of its project implemented under the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact. The contents of the Results are the sole responsibility of Pact and its implementing partners and do not necessary reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

 include Deputy Director of the Sociological Service of the Razumkov Centre Mykhailo Mishchenko; Head of the Ukraine-NATO Civic League, Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Serhiy Dzherdzh; Chief Consultant, National Institute for Strategic Studies Oleksandra Karakuts; Co-Director of Foreign Policy and International Security Programmes, Razumkov Centre Mykhailo Pashkov (8/5a Reitarska Street).

The event will be streamed on the Interfax-Ukraine YouTube channel.

Admission requires registration on the spot with press ID cards.