Annual Report 2019


In 2019, the Razumkov Centre continued to intensify collaboration with international partners pursuant to its Strategic Plan 2017–2020.

The Centre has conducted a series of events both in Ukraine and abroad in partnership with leading European and American think tanks.

The Razumkov Centre remains a regular participant in the global and regional think tank networks. Already for several years it is involved in Think 20 (T20) Summits — global think tank meetings providing policy recommendations to the G20 leaders.

In 2019, the Centre was traditionally involved in organising and holding the Global and Europe Think Tank Summits, organised by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania focusing on key challenges, problems and opportunities for thinks tanks in modern world.

Our Centre was active as a full member of Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) — Europe’s oldest think tank network, and of the Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels.

Our experts were invited to multiple international events that focused on various key issues of Ukraine’s development. In the course of discussions, our experts presented findings of the Centre’s research projects. The quality of the Razumkov Centre’s research was confirmed by recognition of our Centre as the top think tank among 106 leading analytical institutions of the Central and Eastern Europe, and its 44th rank among 176 best think tanks in the world, according to the 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index.

During 2019, many efforts were invested in improving the Centre’s external communication and its promotion both inside and outside Ukraine. Unfortunately, in 2019 the Razumkov Centre suffered a devastating loss, as Viktor Lavrentiyovych Musiyaka, our long-lasting research adviser for legal issues and co-author of the Constitution of Ukraine, passed away.

Anatoliy Rachok,
Director General of Razumkov Centre

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